As we intensify our struggle to make this the century of the women’s revolution, we welcome the
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November with the strength
we draw from the Mirabel sisters.The conditions of war that have developed in the Middle East and in
many parts of the world, which we call the third world war, undoubtedly affect all of society, especially
women and children. The wars that take place under the name of designing the Middle East are carried
out with the male-dominated mind of nation states. The war policies being implemented involve
barbaric degrees of femicide, sociocide and ecocide. It is widely observed that wars impoverish,
migrate and slaughter women the most. These mentalities, which have recourse to all kinds of
ideological arguments in order to protect their power, are organizing themselves across the borders.
All over the world, fascism is being advanced on the basis of the antagonism towards women.